Have an educational or communicative media product you’re looking to create, but need some help in making it the best it can be? Bringing together interdisciplinary expertise and experience across a range of sectors, Jake can work with you to create pedagogically strong media, to adapt learning experiences to a new environment, or to bring an instructional design and artistic perspective to your curriculum.
Learner-Oriented, Backward Design Approach
No solutions come before we’ve defined our problem. A backward design approach places the needs of the learners first- starting by gaining a strong understanding of our learners, their context, and environment, and then relating that to the content pathway they must tread to arrive at the learning objectives. This information will lead us to the selection of the most effective mediums and modalities to communicate the content to the learners.
Cognitive, Affective, Cultural Triad
Learning is a complex process that rests on cognitive, affective, and cultural factors. While insightful to the process, none of these factors on their own can lead us to our greatest potential as teachers. All the cognitive science in the world won’t help a learner whatsoever when they’re presented content through an example that takes place in a context alien to them, or if they have no motivation to pick up their pencils. Gaining a strong understanding of our learners across their cognitive, affective, and cultural characteristics helps us build the strongest infrastructure to support our learners through all three of these avenues.
Experience With a Range of Audiences
Jake has worked with nearly the entire gamut of educational scenarios and audiences, from K-12 to higher ed, to professional development, workplace training, and trade schools. You can find Jake’s portfolio of instructional design work here.
Featured Project - North Cascades Mountain Guides Alpine Climbing Ads
In the summer of 2020, Jake traveled clear across the country from Cambridge, MA to Winthrop, WA to return to his good friends up in the North Cascades. NCMG hired him to create advertisements that would not only draw new customers in, but also encourage them to choose rock-climbing objectives in the Washington Pass valley, a location much closer and safer than many of the more commonly requested objectives. Hauling camera equipment, ropes, rock protection, and not a few sandwiches, Jake spent two weeks on the cliffs of the North Cascades working with professional mountain guides and capturing the action and beauty of the locale.
For more of Jake’s work with the North Cascades Mountain Guides, you can check out their Vimeo account here.